Efficient, friendly, professional medicals
When you need a medical you want it done promptly
and properly.
With limited time, you want easy booking and a local venue.
We offer medicals for a range of occupations at sea and on shore:
Fit to Train CA-EBS
Emergency Response Team (ERT)
Chester Step Test
RUK RenewableUK (GWO)
HSE AMED Diving Medical
HGV / D4

Maritime Medicals
ENG1 Medical
An ENG1 is a specific, statutory medical that is issued to determine if a seafarer is medically fit for their job on a day to day basis, and during emergencies.
ML5 Medical
ML5 examinations are similar to ENG1s with some important differences:
ML5 certificates can last up to 5 years until the age 65 and 1 year thereafter.
If any issues are raised at your medical your case is likely to require referral to the MCA for further consideration.
Offshore & Renewables Sector Medicals
Offshore Energies UK
(Formerly OGUK)
Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) require that all persons working offshore shall be examined periodically and classified as medically fit to work in the offshore environment.
OEUK Medicals are conducted by an OEUK approved doctor.
OEUK medicals are typically required every 2 years.
RenewableUK RUK
GWO Wind Turbine Medical
GWO regulates the wind farm industry and follows the medical guidance in issue 2 (2013) of RenewableUK Medical Fitness to work – wind turbine – guidelines for near offshore and land-based projects.
This medical examination assesses a person's fitness to work in the renewable energy sector. The RUK medical is designed to ensure that people working around wind turbines are safe, especially when working at heights, in hot environments, or in confined space.
CA-EBS Fit to train
Fit To Train Assessments for in water Compressed Air Emergency Breathing Systems (CA-EBS) are designed to ensure you are physically fit to take part in the in water CA-EBS exercises that are included within the OPITO approved BOSIET/FOET/HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training course with CA-EBS Survival Courses.
Often employers require a combination of several medicals.
We offer Appointment Bundles to suit your needs.
Emergency Response Team
This incorporates the OEUK, Chester Step Test, Spirometry Screening & Health Questionnaire.

Diving Medicals
HSE Commercial Dive Medicals
All divers at work must have a valid certificate of fitness to dive issued by an Approved Medical Examiner of Divers (AMED). All AMEDs are approved by the HSE.
There are medical conditions that may prevent divers from diving or restrict the type of diving that they do.
Before you visit an AMED, you should read the HSE guidance in the footer below.
Initial HSE Medical
Before your first dive medical you are required to complete a Medical Questionnaire and ask your GP to countersign it for you. Once this is completed, contact your AMED for a review.
Bookings for Initial HSE Medical can only be made once this has been reviewed.
Subsequent HSE Medicals
These can be booked in the usual way.
HGV | DVLA Medicals
As an approved DVLA Franchise Doctor, I offer Alcohol, Drug & High Risk Offender Assessments along with HGV Medicals.
I work alongside Dr Procter and appointments can be made directly via Fiona Tucker.
Strictly for DVLA Appointments Only.
Tel: 07900 201201
For all HGV enquiries please email.

Your medical
Regular Clinic Hours:
Tuesdays 9-6pm
In busy periods we add extra appointments
on Monday & Friday 2-5pm.
Please contact us & we will do our best to fit you in.
To be sure you are booking the right medical check the FAQs.
To avoid any delay in processing, make certain you have
everything ready in advance.
See FAQs.