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ENG1 Medical

1 h
115 British pounds
Walsingham Clinic, Truro

Service Description

As a seafarer, it’s important that you are fit for the job you are doing on a day-to-day basis, and during emergencies. A medical examination will find out if you have a health condition that could result in you needing urgent treatment, or potentially put fellow crew or passengers’ lives at risk. If you are employed on a ship, and it’s your normal place of work, then regulations require you to have a medical examination. This is to prove that you are in good enough health and fitness to carry out your duties.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations with less than 48hours notice or non-attendance are charged at the full appointment fee.

Contact Details

  • Cornwall Medicals, The Walsingham Clinic, Walsingham Place, Truro, UK

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